planning sundance.

9:30 AM

So. I have another confession.

I love planning trips.

Like, LOVE to plan them. Maybe even have a temporary obsession when I plan them. Oftentimes I’m thinking of where we could go next on my way home from the trip we just went on. My poor husband has to put up with me chatting on and on about wherever we are going once we decide the next location—planning out every little possibility.

Now, of course, things may go differently than planned (I’m not a control freak I promise), but I like having researched options for when we are trying to decide what to go do. Part of the fun of a trip is being super excited for it right??

The current trip obsession is our anniversary getaway to Sundance. It’s amazing that we have a world-renowned resort in our backyard, but for some reason going local isn’t my first thought when it comes to vacations. But this time it is—and I’m so excited! It’s such a beautiful place and there are so many fun things to do there! I booked it this morning, put a countdown on my phone, made some reservations, and can’t wait to celebrate one year of marriage with my love!

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