
9:30 AM

I simply love October. It always seems extra full of family, fun activities, and great memories. To celebrate this October, we started the first weekend off with raspberry picking with Josh and my mom, Red Barn shopping (which included apple cider slushies and doughnutsyum!), and then a fun evening at Gardner Village with some of my favorite people! 

Here are a few pictures of the weekend.

I can't wait for what the rest of October has in store...

Oh, and this is what happens when you say to Jess: "Hey! Stop and pose for a picture in that mask!"

Everyone was laughingthat mask was a great investment Julie! And, as you can see, Jess has totally got this "stand still and pose for a picture" thing down. 

I still laugh when I see these pictures; it was a great time. And please don't hate me for posting these JessI think you look beautiful even when you're candid. ;)

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