morning stretches.

9:30 AM

So a couple weeks ago, I saw a link passing around to a free online class that would help you become a morning person. 

Why not? I thought to myself, and signed up. 

The first class email was sent out, and it had lots of good information on creating a simple, attainable goal as to why youre wanting to become a morning person. The next email was about creating a soothing environment before you go to bed so you have restful sleep. The following email, and the reason for this post, was about morning stretches and positive affirmations.

 This stretching lesson has been helpful in getting me up earlier, and Im going share the stretching secrets!

Step 1: Good Morning
Your alarm goes off. This time, you don’t hit snooze. Instead you activate your body with a good long stretch.

Point your toes and pull your arms back.

Become aware of your body as you stretch. Become aware of all the parts touching the bed.

Hold the stretch and breathe as you count to 10 in your head.

Step 2: Hip Joint Stretch
Pull your knees up towards your chest and hold (you can do one leg at a time) You’ll feel the stretch in your hip joint – where we often hold a lot of discomfort. Become aware of your body. Focus your attention on the areas where you feel the stretch.

When your mind wanders, bring it back to the stretch, notice your body responding. Pull and ease into.

Hold the stretch and breathe as you count to 10 in your head.

Step 3: Spine Stretch
With your shoulders pressed flat on the bed – twist one leg over the other to stretch and awaken the spine and hold for a slow count of 5 for each side.

Step 4: Side Stretch
Ready to get up? You will be!

This is for the side of your torso and up through your arm. Keep your bottom on the bed and gently stretch as far as it feels comfortable – without lifting your sit bones off the bed.

Keep your mind focused on your body – where do you feel the stretch? Ease into it…

Hold the stretch and breathe for a slow count of 5 on each side.

Step 5: Sitting Stretch
It’s time to get out of bed! And you’re already off to great start. Your mind is alert and focused. With one leg folded over the other, feel a great stretch from your backside along your hip and side thigh.

Step 6: Feel Grateful!
It’s the beginning of a new day. You can waste it, or use if for good. Stand up straight and strong.

Take a deep breath and smile – this will actually trigger emotions of happiness. You’re ready to go out there and do something awesome with your day.

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