our new home.

9:30 AM

Well, it’s official!

We are now proud homeowners in the beautiful Draper area! I’m so excited to start decorating and making it our own! We’ve already been setting up furniture and kitchenware and picture frames and looking into homeowner stuff like lawn mowers and fresh paint. The pups are loving the backyard, and the friendly dogs next door! Josh has been working so hard organizing and getting things put together—I’m constantly amazed at how much he knows about fixing anything!
Here are a few pictures of our beautiful new home:

 Lovely roses in the front and back.
 A deck with a view.
 Olive and Jeff love to sunbathe at the front door.
The kitchen and living room filled with moving boxes.
 What every room facing north looks at.
 On the way to our cul-de-sac.
 The backyard at sunset.
 More of the backyard.

Josh helping with my new desk in the garage.

A phonograph for entertaining in the front room. 

 And more pictures to come soon I promise!

So. Any decorating ideas? Or settling-in tips?
Once we get things set up we’d love to have visitors, so please stop by!  

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