sit in your car.

2:54 PM

Sometimes I like to sit in my car. Maybe in a parking lot, or my driveway, or at work. Wherever. But I simply sit silence as people pass me with carts or babies or dogs or lovers or lawn mowers or cellphones to go about their day. And I exhale into deep thought.

You really should try it. Because it’s the best sanctuary to lock the doors and reflect on all the events that have or will happen in your life. Where you can make big and small decisions in quiet. That is where you can reflect on what’s real and important, the different moments of heartbreak and joy. That is when you can say to yourself, “I’ve been through worse” or “I’ve never experienced anything as perfect as this.”

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  1. Ah, Danielle. I remember the days when my car was also my solitude. Enjoy them! Someday when there is a mini Danielle or Josh walking around (and there better be because he/she will be SOO stinking adorable - life doens't really start until you have a child to live for!)you'll have to find a new place. Mine is now the shower. But I agree - its great to have a place to just reflect. Its hard to find a good place sometimes!

    1. I never even thought about how that would change with kids! The shower sounds like a lovely sanctuary. I will keep that in mind for the day when my car no longer is a place of solitude either! haha.
