
1:10 PM

This last week has been a crazy one for my family. Mike got in a horrible motorcycle accident two Sundays ago, and he has had an amazing recovery this last week. It’s made everyone think about how fragile life is, how connected we are to each other, and how everything can change in an instant.
From the moment we are born we begin to thread our lives with others—like an indian blanket. Every person we meet, every moment we share is woven into our life. And, over time, those threads begin to form a pattern. The colors and designs in that blanket reflect our experiences and the different people that come and go in our lives.
I for one am very lucky; my blanket grows more beautiful every day thanks to those who allow me to love them, and who love me. Life is what you make of it, and you are not alone. When you face the future, you are not alone. There will always be threads connecting you, making your life a masterpiece.

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