mother's day cards.

5:12 PM

I know many people love their moms dearly...but just don't know how to put it into words. Well this Mother's Day express exactly what you want to say, leaving her in tears of joy, with this one trick.

Go to the store. Pick out your Mother's Day card. Then, pick out ANOTHER Mother's Day card...making sure none of your siblings get the same card.

Purchase cards, go home, and prepare to change your card-writing life forever. Open both cards, and then write the message of the 2nd card into the 1st. Throw card 2 away, and bask in the look of complete pride and love that will erupt from your mother's face when she reads your perfect expression of your feelings. You said exactly what you were trying to say...with just a little help.

And there you go! A perfect trick to make this Mother's Day the most well-written one of your life.

You're welcome in advance. :)

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