editor's note: past tense.

9:30 AM

So. Once upon a time on my old blog, I had a section called “editor’s note.” I wasn’t sure if I was going to continue it on my new blog—and so far haven’t—but this popped up in my Facebook feed today and I just can’t help myself.
Let me present to you a past tense attempt that will make any librarian, English major, or person who paid attention in school beyond the 2nd grade cringe.

…seriously Most Expensive Cars In The World Facebook page?? If you're going to show off fancy cars, please make sure your grammar matches the education level of the person who can afford to drive them. And don't even get me started on that question mark.
You see, the past tense is a grammatical tense where the principal function is to place an action or situation in past time. And for the most words, throwing present tense into past is easy as laugh laughed play played live lived. But sometimes it’s a bit more complicated than that. Some irregular verbs follow no pattern when they change to the simple past tense. For these, you just have to either memorize or check a dictionary to know how to properly change them. Here are a few examples:

See – saw
Build – built
Go – went
Do – did
Leap – leapt
Rise – rose
Dig – dug
And, of course, drive – drove.
Moral of this sad grammar story? Unless you are 110% sure of the proper way to conjugate your verb, DOUBLE CHECK!

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  1. This is fantastic. Please continue this section. You have made this day fabulous just by bringing attention to this grammar fail.

  2. you are grammatically brilliant!!
