fall in love with yourself.

11:00 AM

Do you treat yourself the way you want to be treated?

Josh and I watched this movie the other night that talked about the secret of sending positive energy out into the universe to cause a positive reaction. About how when you focus on something, positive or negative, that is what you attract. I found it a really interesting video, but something that really struck me was a lady talking about her inner-success.

This is a paraphrase of what she said:

My heroines growing up were Wonder Woman, Destiny’s Child, and many other famous women. However, I always felt like I needed someone to tell me I was beautiful. I never thought it myself. Why? Because while all of those women I idolized were beautiful and strong and smart and talented... none of those women were me. They didn’t have my lips or hair or curves or spirit or abilities. I had never taken the time or energy to see myself as beautiful. And it wasn’t until I fell in love with myself that the world really began to fall in love with me.

Isn’t that beautiful? Inspirational? Empowering? It is something we all should all be brave enough to do—make ourselves our own hero. We are told focusing on ourselves is vanity, and in excess it is, but we must never forget to constantly love ourselves while loving others.

We are all magnificent. We are worth being happy about. Worth loving. And that is something we all need to believe in.

So, I challenge you to take the time and fall in love with yourself.

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